To this day..
This was such a powerful video that i watched by a Poet called Shane Koyczan, it highlights the anguish of anyone who grew up feeling different or
just a little bit alone. To bring visual life to this performance Koyczan invited artists from around the world to contribute 20-second
segments of animation to the project. It was posted on YouTube on Feb. 19,
2013, and by the close of the month the video had been viewed 6 million
(WATCH THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^ )
"If you have time to watch only one video today, it should probably be this one. After being posted to YouTube, animated spoken-word poem 'To This Day,' by Canadian poet Shane Koyczan, has spread like wildfire online ... Slate called the video 'beautiful,' Yahoo! News dubbed it 'powerful' and Mashable promised that it will 'reshape your views on name calling, harassment and pain.'"The Huffington Post

Above are some of the images from the video. I can get over how moving this is, he is such an amazing speaker and expresses this touchy topic in such an entertaining way.My favorite part of this video is towards the end when Koyczan says:
'If you cant see anything beautiful about yourself.. get a better mirror,
look a little closer.. stare a little longer, cause there is something
inside you that made you keep trying despite everyone who told you to
I recommend you all to watch it and let me know if it impacts on you in any way!
Ruby xxx
ps. reached 10,000 views so thankyou all for taking an interest!
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