Sunday 9 June 2013

Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. 

I thought that this was a very interesting video; it’s amazing how much your perceptions of people are based on their appearance. I would love for you to watch this video, it about Cameron Russell who is a model and she admits that she has won the genetic lottery. She is a tall pretty underwear model but does not want to be defined by just her looks. 

It’s amazing how in 10 seconds by changing her outfit Cameron can transform what you think of her, this can relate to our everyday life. Judging people by what they wear and how the dress seams to always be on peoples minds. This is because image is powerful but can also be superficial and how you dress can have a huge impact on your life. We define beauty by tall slender figures but why? Everyone is beautiful in their own way and people shouldn’t strive to be something they are not. The other thing that I love about this video was how she explained how pictures are constructed by the photographer and designers ideas. The photo is of the model but it isn’t her. The lighting, makeup, hair and clothes are all put together to construct and create a final image. This final image defines the brand not the model, as how they or you look and dress shouldn’t define who you are.

Another point that really disturbed me was that 78% of 17 year old girls in the US don’t like their bodies. I did some of my own research and found that one in two Australian teenage girls have dieted and more than half are unhappy with their bodies. This is crazy. In reality both females and males bodies come in all different shapes and sizes and therefore it is so unrealistic to have only one body style as beautiful.

This video really opened up my eyes and I hope it did for you too

Ruby xxx


  1. Do you think that people judge you on your looks?

    1. Defiantly, but it happens to everyone these days! People are way to quick to judge

    2. Do you judge others on their looks?

  2. Thanks for sharing that Ruby, really interesting! x
