Monday 20 May 2013


Anonymous asked: you've got a huge rep for being an attention seeking slut

Anonymous asked: not trying to be a bitch, but your blog isn't very good. Your style of writing is very very average...

Anonymous asked: you're really hypocritical in your blog. Constantly going on about social media and eating disorders and how it must stop blah blah. You post such vain photos of yourself in bikinis modelling etc. that is the kind of shit that promotes eating disorders like wow such ignorance

Anonymous asked: don't even know you, but you are come across as one of the most vainest people

Anonymous asked: You don't seem very genuine

Anonymous asked: the way you answer questions so seriously is very annoying. Like chill the fuck out you vain bitch

Anonymous asked: You must be vain to want to be a model

Anonymous asked: you've gotta stop with that blog, you could not embarrass yourself more if you tried

Anonymous asked: Are you for real? This blog is average at best. For better ideas on blogging go to the supre website

Anonymous asked: Your such a dumb bitch kill yourself 


 In the past few weeks these are some of the messages I have received and there seemed to be an increase amount after I posted the anonymous blog post. I am not looking for sympathy but want to raise an issue that many people don't talk about. These messages are hurtful and it is bullying. People get messages like this every day and don’t let anyone know and I was one of them until the past few weeks. I thought if I ignore them they will go away and just tried to shrug it off, but this constant harassment has to end. On most Tumblr sites (the other blog I use, which is mainly pictures and quotes) there is a tab at the top with a link that says 'ask me anything' this is the first thing I am changing. Most of the questions that people ask are not even questions such as the statements above, and I don’t want you to ask me 'anything' especially if you are on anonymous. So the first thing that I changed was the name to just 'ask me' I know it’s not a huge change it is only something little but for me it makes it less personal. The other thing I did is changed my setting to stop allowing people ask anonymous questions. I’m sorry to all the shy people out there who generally want advice, but feel free to inbox me on Facebook! I've just had enough of people trying to put me down for no reason.

I was laying in bed last night thinking about all the other people who this is happening too, and yes these messages are mean but compared to what other people get it is nothing. Some boys and girls get bullied day in day out all day every day and it honestly makes me feel sick. This online world that we use every day has also made is easier for people to get away with bullying. But I just want to remind people that you can block people who are harassing you, you can report it to the police and action can be taken don’t just sit there in silence and cop shit because no one deserves that and once you have talked about it you feel so much better. It’s like all the emotions you feel stay bottled up in side and once it is released it feels as though a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

To my negative anonymous bullies I seriously want you to imagine if I or someone else you have abused was in a tragic accident or did something stupid like self harm or even kill themselves. I know it is a very touchy issue but how would you feel if you were the one who pushed them over the edge with the one last hurtful comment. You would have to live with that for the rest of your life. I want you to know I am not at all suicidal at all and will never self harm, I’m a happy girl and the support I have from my family and friends is amazing but for the more vulnerable people it can affect them so much. So before you send hate to someone seriously consider what you are saying as words hurt. I don’t want this to be a negative post so I will finish on a positive ending. As my mum says there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and if you speak up and talk about what is happening to you there will be. After those hurtful inbox’s I was feeling really down it took me a long time to get to sleep as I hate going to sleep with lots on my mind, the messages were playing over in my head and I kept thinking about how many other people were doing the same thing. Who else is having sleepless nights worrying about what people are saying and what people thing about them? The next morning I woke up and checked my phone and went to my Tumblr site and I had these two inbox's:  

Anonymous asked you:
Yes there are haters but just know with ever hater there are 10 people who love you and are behind you all the way! I don't even know you and this probably sounds so weird and creepy but I love pretty much everything about you! Your style is immaculate and your body image is spot on fit and healthy is what we need more of! And you make intelligent points of important topics, all round your really just a great gal!!! Keep up the good work! Your an inspiration for younger girls like me! Xx 

Anonymous asked you:
It actually makes me really sad seeing all these anons send you such nasty comments you seem so intelligent and level headed are you insanely beautiful in no way you deserve this no one does! Please please don't let anyone of this crap get to you!! It sickens me that people have to put other people down to make themselves feel good, the human race really needs to reevaluate themselves. You are perfect and you are defiantly going places! So much respect from you! 

I think it is a beautiful thing to know that people care about you, and we don't tell people enough how we feel. Whoever sent these messages have beautiful hearts and I appreciate the messages more than you will know. It gives me hope for other people who are going through hard times that others will stand up for them. I believe in lifting people higher, telling them to be the best they can be, and I know I may sound cliché but you have to believe in yourself. Whenever I feel down I always read this quote, I have posted it a few times but it is honestly so inspirational and is so positive. If you can’t see anything beautiful about yourself.. get a better mirror, look a little closer.. stare a little longer, cause there is something inside you that made you keep trying  despite everyone who told you to quit -Shane Koyczan.

I wasn’t going to post this, but I do think although there are negatives you can always find some sort of positive and I wanted to end it on a positive note, please just think before you speak.

Love always
Ruby xxx